Developed By Lane G Smith

These Discord bots are all free to use and MIT licensed. If you would like to build or host your own bots, feel free to clone them or copy any of their functionality. Many of these bots utilize the Chat-GPT REST API from OpenAI, which allows for a wide variety of personality logic and functionality. Other bots leverage existing REST APIs that return data (random quotes or jokes for instance) from a database when triggered. New and interesting bots using custom APIs will be coming soon, so don't forget to check back frequently.

A humanoid robot picture

Code-Buddy was designed to help developers get ready for coding job interviews. This Bot will provide random questions and code challenges based on what subject and difficulty level you choose. Code-Buddy can then provide the answer to the previous question, explain it in simple terms, and even link to documentation where you can learn more. To use Code-Buddy, just type "code-buddy" and the subject you want to practice ("React", "CSS", "JavaScript" etc.) and how hard you want the question to be, ("1/10", "7/10", etc.). Type "answer" to get the answer to the previous question.

A humanoid robot picture

GPT-Buddy is a general-purpose Chat-GPT bot that takes advantage of Discords' superior organizational mechanics. By bringing Chat-GPT to a discord server with dedicated text channels for each topic of interest, revisiting previous questions and answers is simple. By using Discords' search function, you can now quickly look up old conversations on both mobile and PC. If you would like to customize GPT-Buddy for any other purpose, see the code for simple instructions.

Ron Swanson, a grumpy man with a mustache
Ron Swanson: Quote Generator

A Discord bot that posts quotes from Ron Swanson whenever someone types "Swanson". This bot uses the REST API from HERE

Picture of Kanye West, a bald African American man
Kanye West: Quote Generator

A Discord bot that posts quotes from Kanye West whenever someone types "Kanye". This bot uses the REST API from HERE

Picture of Chuck Norris holding machine guns
Chuck Norris Joke Generator

A Discord bot that posts Chuck Norris jokes whenever someone types "chuck". This bot uses the REST API from HERE

Picture of someone looking like they know it all
Useless Fact Generator

A Discord bot that posts random useless facts whenever someone types "fact". This bot uses the rest API from HERE